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What is Cloud Computing?

It is a technology that gives access to gathering and organizing data on remote servers and then retrieving it with the help of the internet. For example, Google cloud computing is a collection of cloud computing services. It provides data encryption.

Purpose of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing services are efficient, and generally, we use cloud services because of the following reasons.

1. Exchange of Data

You can easily share your files or a document in a cloud computing network with one or more than one person at once.

2. Public Cloud

It is a type of cloud computing managed by third-party cloud computing service providers. The information or data in a public cloud is accessible across organizations. Microsoft Azure is an example of a Public Cloud.

3. Hybrid Cloud

It allows the transfer of data between private and public cloud networks. A hybrid cloud has a combination of at least one of each type. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is an example of a hybrid cloud.

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Cloud Computing Services

Following are the four types of cloud services.

1. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

This type of cloud computing service is an advanced system of IaaS. It provides a structure to developers that assist them in creating customized applications. Platform as a service (PaaS) allows the users to work efficiently. It controls data processing and storage and, the developers do not need to worry about the information storage.

Examples of PaaS include Google App Engine, by Salesforce and Open shift, etc.


2. Software as a Service (SaaS)

It is a unique type of cloud computing service that includes IaaS and PaaS together. It is a subscription build service. The users can subscribe monthly without having to purchase it. There is no beforehand cost in this type of service. You can cancel the subscription whenever you want to or when it is not in your use.

Examples of SaaS include Microsoft Office 365, App Dynamics, Zoho CRM.

Uses of Cloud Computing

With the help of cloud computing services, you can

  1. Create cloud applications
  2. Analyse data
  3. Test and organize applications
  4. Provide software when required
  5. Install Surveillance

What are the features of Cloud computing Services?

Now, we will discuss a few crucial characteristics of cloud computing.

1. Network Approach

The cloud services have a vast network approach. Cloud computing services administer across primary networks and different devices.

2. Resource Pooling

The IT resources include;

  • Applications
  • Data storage or space
  • Host
  • Network
  • Solutions

You can share these resources beyond various users and applications. The services are available to several clients from the same corporal resource.

3. Regular Service

You can track the number of resources and their consumption for all applications. It helps both the user and contributes to keeping a check on the usage of resources. The purpose of this is to control, correct, or accurate billing system and productive consumption of equipment.


Cloud computing is a beneficial platform that plays a vital role in the growth of the business and enables it to exceed. You must be observant when you are selecting your resource provider. Take a deeper look at the policies and procedures that they follow. You should identify your resource provider as per your networking requirements.

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